Monday, March 28, 2011



You came into my life unexpectedly:
Haughty, with your beauty
Inviting and seducing
What a flirt!
Who are you?
Is it real you,
or is it Lucifer disguised as a graceful girl?


No, sir!
I am who I am in human destiny
If you want to know all about life -- good and evil
Let’s eat the forbidden fruit!
Kiss me!
Sweet as honey
Your lips in mine
Your heart will be singing and dancing under a clamorous sky…


Yes, ma’m.
I am going to eat now.
The sweet forbidden fruit
I am going to kiss now.
Your tender lips


Thank you, sir
Just one time, you and me
Moon and stars are going to ectasy
The only time you feel ebullient
You give in and give up temptation.


That’s it! That one time was enough
To make my paradise collasped!
Loosing my mind and groping my way, I lost my balance
Under the moon.
In the haft-light dusk.
Suddently I understood
Between good and evil, dark and light
Is a very fine, cruel line.
Gorgious in the soft and peaceful night.
You are so attractive
Various and fresh
Thank you for teaching me
The meaning of happiness


Still, the way to heaven is very far-off .

Friday, February 25, 2011

"You are just a kid!"

When I was four,
My three sisters were sixteen, eighteen, and nineteen.
While I walked around like a tomboy with dirt on my face,
My three sisters gracefully floated in their dresses
They got stylish hairdos and were always surrounded by friends.
I looked up to my sisters wishing to be one of them
And wondered if I’d ever grow up
I asked if I could try their high heels on my tiny feet
They shook their heads and said:
“ No, you are just a kid!”

When I was eight,
My three sisters were-twenty, twenty-two, and twenty-three.
While I still believed in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy,
My three sisters looked for their Princes, started dating and fell in love.
When I asked them if I could use their makeup to color my cheeks
They shook their heads and said:
“ No, you are just a kid”

When I was fourteen,
My three sisters were twenty- six, twenty- eight, and twenty- nine.
Things were going just fine.
But all of a sudden, I began to have my period.
While puberty made my life chaos,
My three sisters found their men and got married.
They left our house, built their own nests, and had children.
I felt lonely and needed companions.
When I asked them if it was okay for me to go out with the boy down the street
They shook their heads and said:
“No, you are just a kid!”

When I was nineteen,
My three sisters were thirty one, thirty three, and thirty four.
I had my freedom and dreams of adventures.
While I could spread my wings like a phoenix
My three sisters tied themselves to their families like trapped birds.
But then I thought it would be nice to have a husband
Together we could reach the unlimited horizon

So I asked my sisters if I could wed
A guy who would cook for me, massage me, and give lots of kisses
They shook their heads and said:
“No, you are just a kid!”

Time flew
Each of us went through different stages of life
Happy moments
Time of challenge
I was always earger to grow up
Until one day wrinkles showed on my face!
Oh it was time for me to slow down my pace…

Then it came my turn to be forty eight,
My three sisters were sixty, sixty- two, and sixty- four.
While I started having symptoms of pre-menopause and struggled with my mid-life crisis,
My three sisters already had arthritis and poor vision
While they felt grateful and looked good in gray hair,
I searched, searched, and searched…for the most effective skin care.
And could not stand the idea of losing my beauty and my youth!
When I asked if I should have cosmetic surgery that would make me a big hit
They laughed, shook their heads and said:
“No, you are just a kid!”


Thank you, mother, for leaving me my three sisters when you went to heaven,
Who always have answers to my silly questions.


Friday, October 8, 2010


The moon lies down exhausted
On the mountaintop
Throws her hands suddenly
Scattering the stars
Seductive night
Tempting sea
Step forward eternity

Waves hold me
Dance and embrace
With neglected rhythm
I taste
The last time
My salty feast
I walk to the other side of the ocean
Where I can feel my home: warmth and comfort.

I crave to see again
A patch of watery sky
Rain, rain, rain
Rain washes away loneliness.
I walk...
I walk...
Sorrowful steps
Farewell moon and stars
Who are here to witness
Whispering, the ocean greets
He slowly swallows me
I swallow my salty feast!
I loose my reach
and grasp my breath for the last time of my life

Waves hold me floated
My mortal body
Will rotten and drift
To stranger’s shore
Where moon shines softly onto her scattered stars.

Mother’s Legacy

Mother’s pain
Umbilical cord
I cried
For the first time
I shook hands with LIFE

Mother’s milk
Craving baby
I smiled
For the first time
I shook hands with LOVE

Mother’s heart
Beating rhythm
I wept
For the first time
I shook hands with DEATH

From my mother’s soul
I learned

From my mother’s flesh
I inherited

From my mother’s tongue
I spoke

From my mother’s life
I found

Mother’s legacy
I comprehended
For the first time
I shook hands with me.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Sun sets at river's end
Red blurs into darkness
I hurry into evening
No last look at motherland
Dear word
For the rest of the days of my life
I will not call it out.

The boat
The river
Gather sicretly
To see me off
Tears of parting
Flowing inside
My heart dancing to crazy music
Jumps from my bosom
When the signal lights blink
The little boats assemble
At the appointed place
One by one
Leaping to the big boat
The dark's night net captures everyone.
Cramped legs can't move
Jammed tight
Packed like commodities
See no face
Know no name
Only hear the breathing
Of 75 lives
Looking for a land which will let them live.


The wooden boat weighs anchor.
In their minds they see clearly
Hundreds of gunsights trained,
Waiting and watching
Intent on smashing hope.
Fearful prayers murmur and drone
Like the beat of the engine
Pushing the boat to the delta.

The navigotor's map. Where?
The compass. Where?
Icy deadhearted schemers
Like a mother discarding her children
At a crowded market.
75 lives face a choice
Continue the journey
Or go back
Where jail awaits
No need to ask.
The boat lists badly
In huge wind and waves
Clenches its teeth
Braves the cruel lashings.
The reluctant pilot
Mouth longing to swear
Instead whispers prayers.
For a long time God has been fading
Now he is here.
Night's black curtain and the universe
Fall across the deck.
The stink of vomit
Spreads quickly.
The sound of crying children
The sound of prayer
The sound of the engine
A symphony
Throughout the long nights
Without stop.
Curtain parts
The tragicomedy begins.
Sky and sea meet
People look at each other
Weary redfilmed eyes
Burnt lips
Ravenous stares
Suddently boats scrape
Wapons clang and clash
Foreign voices clatter
Pirates become beast.
A new tempest engulfs these people
Who carve freedom
No weapons in hand.
Screams explode across the sky
Shred purity
Blood falls in drops
Despised life
Despised satyrs.
The boat resumes its journey
In tatters
A hearse
Creeping, counting every crest, every valley
A school of fish in its wake
Like mourners after the hearse
Just as sad.

On the horizon
A flyspeck becomes
A strip of land
Erases weariness
Eyes know how to grin
Reflecting the soft red light
Where sky meets earth.

Cam-Binh La
one of the boat poeple

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Nửa đời nhìn lại

Nửa đời nhìn lại,
Là tuổi thơ buồn,
Đòn roi bạc đãi,
Pha giọt lệ tuôn.

Nửa đời đ ã ch áy,
Trong khói vô hồn,
Hoa niên hoang dại,
Tuyệt vọng cơ đơn.

Nửa đời sương gío,
Tâm linh tật nguyền,
Nụ cười hư ảo,
Pha giọt lệ điên.

Chạy, chạy ta chạy,
Chạy theo hư vinh,
Chạy trong sợ hãi,
Chạy trốn bóng mình.

Nửa đời nhìn lại,
Ta bỗng giật mình,
Thôi xin từ giã,
Con đường hòang kinh.

Nửa đời nhìn lại,
Ta thật là mình,
Thân dù hoang phế,
Nhưng lòng hồi sinh.

Cam Binh


Em áo trắng hồn nhiên trong nắng hạ,
Vòng tay anh nồng ấm một chiều mưa.
Mười chín tuổi chiếc thuyền tình anh thả,
Em bước lên theo tiếng gọi thuyền đưa.

Thuyền là nhà cho đời ta du mục,
Thuyền là mơ, là cơm áo, son vàng,
Thuyền đi đến những bến bờ hạnh phúc,
Ta bên nhau theo nhịp sóng thời gian.

Khi nghèo khó, ngả lòng, chán nản,
Nụ cười anh làm tan nỗi lo âu,
Lúc em khóc, yếu mềm, bệnh hoan,
Nụ hôn anh là liều thuốc nhiệm mầu.

Có tình yêu thổi bườm anh căng gió.
Anh đưa em đi qua những dòng đời,
Khi lên thác lúc xuống ghềnh gian khó,
Anh đưa em đi vun vút xa khơi.

Cảm ơn anh đã cùng em đi mãi,
Tới những chân trời mơ ước của tuổi xuân.
Cảm ơn anh đã vững vàng tay lái,
Cho thuyền mình đi mãi không ngừng

(Viet cho anh va nhung ngay hanh phuc)